An Android App sulution to class attendance and more.
Code Resource
This is a course project in the course Introduction to Information System and Programming in ISTD major, SUTD. The course is about Java Programming, Android Develop and Object Oriented Programming. The final project of the course is designing and building an Android App related to IoT and AI. We, a group of 3, developed an App aiming at solving the class attendance problem with face detection, as well as the class participation problem. Generally speaking, I designed the major functions and interaction of the App, the visual interface, the poster and was fully in charge of the front-end developing and 2 of 4 app functions developing. The projects has been selected to the ISTD major show next year as an excellent work.
Schema 大纲
Brief Introduction 概览
Design and Logic 设计与实现思路
Showcase 演示
Brief Introduction 概览
Please refer to the poster to have a glance on the project.
Design and Logic 设计与实现思路
Face Detection Attendance 人脸检测签到端
计划采用前端作为签到端,使用getUserMedia()调用摄像头定时拍照,将照片使用POST方法向Face++ Web API请求,返回照片中人脸的Token和置信度,进行判断后显示签到成功或失败。对应地,更新前端界面显示,并向队友搭建的SQLite Post相关同学签到成功的结果。
Android App 安卓App
{ "name": "50.001 Introduction to Information System and Programming",
"session": "CI01",
"date": "11/12/2018",
"timing": "09:00",
"venue": "2.502, SUTD",
其三为日历,同样是将本地Json文件中的课程数据提取并显示在对应的日历上;其四是为了现场Demo效果的功能,可以现场向Face++和SQL database添加人脸与Id,并且现场演示签到成功。
Showcase 演示
同学刷脸 - 扫描端显示成功 - App端显示成功 - 老师刷脸 - 刷脸失败 - App添加老师人脸信息 - 老师刷脸 - 扫描端显示成功 - App端显示成功